
Hi guys!

Welcome to my own little space on the internet. My name is Elisa, I am 16 years old and currently living in the Netherlands. I enjoy writing about things such as life, beauty, fashion and photography.

In 2011, I started a blog together with a friend and we wrote about eyeshadows, lipsticks and other beauty related things. I enjoyed doing it, but unfortunately we deleted it because we didn't have time for it. Now 4 years later, I decided to start my own blog again because I still really enjoy writing about the things I love and do in my daily life.

You can expect posts about fizzy bath bombs, cute little dresses and my favourite music, but also more serious things, like my experiences with anxiety. If there's anything you want me to write about, just leave a comment behind and I will definitely try and do something with it!

Enjoy! Love, Elisa

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